Parallel notch filter designer
Parallel notch filter designer

parallel notch filter designer

However, the multiple notch filters are with the same structure and same parameters, the closed-loop stability was not insured over the entire rotational speed. Multiple notch filters for harmonic currents suppression was used in. A phase-shift notch filter was proposed in to connect the baseline suspension controller in parallel mode, which presented a better effect to suppress the synchronous current and guaranteed the system stability over the entire speed range. In, a generalised narrow-band notch filter with a matrix was put forward and the parameters of the matrix can be designed to ensure the system stability in the varying speed range. In industrial applications, the notch filter has been widely used for vibration control. However, it is not an easy task to obtain the plant model and the application in practice is limited. The accuracy of the mathematical model is important for good performance achievement. It is noted that the majority of modern control methods are model-based. In, the Kalman filter and an optimal state feedback regulator, was implemented in the magnetically levitated rotor to eliminate the imbalance caused forces. This method in emphasised that two redundant speed and angle information can be obtained and it could overcome the problem of angular velocity information losing. A self-sensing unbalance rejection in combination with a self-sensing speed control of the motor controller was developed in.

parallel notch filter designer

A robust fuzzy logic-based control scheme was improved in in the presence of rotor imbalance for a high-speed AMB system. Furthermore, a reference deflection angle was given in advance. In, a real-time variable step size polygonal iterative seeking algorithm was designed to suppress the vibration forces. Some modern control algorithms are also found in the application of AMB active vibration control. However, these methods mentioned above are mostly aimed at multi-frequency vibration control at a fixed frequency, which cannot meet the demand of practical operation since the rotational speed of the MSMW rotor is changing in a wide range. A Vernier-gimballing control method was used in for a 2-DOF radial magnetic bearings to suppress the vibration and achieves the rapid manoeuvre control. An improved repetitive controller with the low-pass filter to suppress harmonic currents and improve the performance of the superquiet satellite was proposed in. In, an adaptive finite-duration impulse response filter based on fast block least mean square algorithm was improved to attenuate the multi-frequency vibration.

parallel notch filter designer

In, a multi-frequency estimation algorithm unaffected by observation noise for unbalance was proposed for the vibration control in the AMB system. Much effort has been dedicated to the suppression of harmonic currents for vibration control. Considering the roundness error of the sensing surface and imperfect electromagnetic properties, sensor runout will bring about synchronous and multi-frequency currents. It is known that mass imbalance is the dominant vibration source and will introduce synchronous current into the control system. Undesired vibration force in an AMB-rotor system is mainly caused by harmonic currents, which contains synchronous current and multi-frequency currents. The vibration rising from an MSFW is considered as one of the main challenges for the stability and precision control of the satellite payload. Compared to the conventional mechanical bearing flywheel, the higher performance of the active magnetic bearings (AMB) can be obtained.

parallel notch filter designer

Moreover, the superiority of the MSFW is that the magnetic bearings can be actively controlled by applying the real-time algorithm. The magnetically suspended flywheel (MSFW) is attracting great attention for satellite stability owing to many merits, such as non-contact, low power consumption, and long life. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution.IET Electrical Systems in Transportation.IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications.IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing.CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology.

Parallel notch filter designer